Friday, April 1, 2011

Happy National Poetry Month!

Finally, it's here. National Poetry Month, the month of champions. The time of year when I am encouraged to celebrate my craft of choice... Poetry! To kick the month off I am preparing myself to participate in the 4th annual Poetic Asides April Poem A Day challenge. I will write my days best efforts and share them with you as often as I can.

This should prove to be interesting seeing as how I haven't written anything of substance in weeks! If you decide to join me please leave a comment to let me know so that I may support and encourage you as well. I'm super excited and look forward to sharing with you. I will leave you with a poem from my first collection of poems, Somewhere Round Midnight.


In this room where I write

the wall is my captive audience

my creativity

a steady rock to climb.

My paper a white and cold mountain

my thoughts are confused.

My minds dictionary is filled

with absent pages and my imaginative

window has sealed shut with the rugged bricks

of my un-lived life.

In this room where I write

I am my own critic

where no one else can understand

the hurriedness and excitement of my chicken scratch

Or when my paper shrinks to the size of a cocktail napkin

That wears the shadow of a once revered southern whiskey.

In this room where I write

The walls become a box.

Trapped inside I’m trying to pen and paper

My way out of this seclusion.

My fingers arthritic and ink stained

and the callous on my middle finger

throbs from my writing too hard.

I am pressed for my time to shine

my time to raise up from the table

come from under my weak lit table lamp

and feel the warmth of completion on my face.

My paper a rainbow

my clothes reek of Red Ginger and African Peach

my Footie’s have become too hot

and my clothes too heavy.

I want to be naked

and I am trying here in this room

on this page with the smoothest writing pen that I could find.

Enjoy the ride...

Write On!

April Wright

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